Friday 22 April 2016

Interesting few days!

New Members join our team

I'd like to welcome David and Linus to our team! Yes we have a second David haha. Linus is a programmer/scripter and David is a music composer!

Dev VLOG 3

Linus and Severi have been working hard on getting the code done for the game and it's starting to come together as you seen in the recent vlog.


Shutout to my friend Ryan for giving me advice on Vlogging. I tried to keep it a bit more scripted, although I was getting frustrated due to the amount of times I had to record it and just went with the flow, good thing about it is that it kept the VLOG shorter and more compressed to the point. Damn you XSplit Gamecaster for screwing me over so many times!

In game changes include:

- Health regen added to Player character and AI (0.9 and 0.1)
- Changed the Base mesh to a Huge Tree (Tree of Life/Gahya)
- Construction system added
- Spike floor mesh and animations added

Phase music

Me and David have been discussing music regarding the Battle phase and Downtime phase. Each character will have his/her own theme based for these situations! David has been working hard on a first sketch for the Battle phase. He will be working on one for the Dwarf soon as it's going to be our first character. This sketch is most likely going to be used for a human based character in the future! Check out the song below and give David a follow because his music is awesome.

Character art

Our character artist David Alexandru has been working hard this week on getting the dwarf ready. He's made some great progress on it so far!

New textures, models and animations!

I've been a bit all over the place this week, been organizing some new tasks, creating models, textures and animations! 

Honestly the ingame content has been limited due to this. You may have seen this tree that I made but I'll show you some other content that I've been working on this week.

A WIP but here's the Wooden wall I've been working on recently. It's been taking some time because I decided I want to make a lot of variation in the wood and make each plank have a different texture. 

Here's the UV map. This will show you why it's taking so long. I'm hoping to finish this tonight or by tomorrow at some point!

Some new wood textures. One on the right is tillable. 

What I was most excited about this week though was learning how to use 2d sprites to create a 3D/material FX in UE4. It's only a test but I'm pretty happy with it for now. You might have also seen my awesome spikes animation ;)

That concludes this weeks blog, stay tuned we should have more to show next week!

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